Governance and Compliance

Demonstrate compliance within a single source.

Governance and compliance cannot afford to be hit or miss in today’s regulatory climate.

People, processes and systems must not only be compliant, they must be demonstrably compliant. Companies can’t afford to keep re-interpreting legal positions or spending time and energy hunting down authoritative sources. Different localities, regions and countries have to be able to manage their own rules and policies inside a broader corporate framework.

As companies adopt corporate Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) processes they need to bring legal, business and technical people together. If a common vocabulary is understood by all parties can compliance be managed. If different groups involved in a project disagree on the vocabulary, they can’t usefully discuss or agree on what the regulations mean or what the company’s policy truly is. From a single source for governance and compliance, integrating multiple perspectives and local variations is essential to reduce compliance risks and governance costs.

RuleXpress provides a comprehensive framework for compliance and helps embed governance into your operational processes and day to day activities. RuleXpress describes the rules that should be applied in usable and business-friendly ways while still tracing them back to the legal interpretation and original authoritative sources. Rules managed in RuleXpress can be analyzed for alignment with corporate goals and support impact analysis so you can see what effect a chance will have before you make it. RuleXpress ensures that everyone, from the business to the legal department, from risk management to information technology, works from the same set of definitions, terms, synonyms and acronyms.

With RuleXpress you know which rules are in effect at specific times or for specific timeframes and in any specific jurisdiction, easing compliance checks and reducing costs.